Wednesday, January 12, 2005

PAC Target McDonnell to Deliver Response to Warner

As noted below, Virginia Beach Delegate Bob McDonnell, a candidate for state Attorney General, has been targeted for defeat by the new Virginia Family Values PAC.

Today I received a news release from McDonnell's AG campaign announcing that he'll be delivering the Republican caucus' response to Governor Mark Warner's State-of-the-Commonwealth Address tonight:

Breaking News: McDonnell to Deliver House GOP Response to Governor’s State of Commonwealth Address Tonight
1/12/2005 11:27:00 AM

Republican members of the House of Delegates have tapped Delegate Bob McDonnell to deliver their televised response to Governor Warner’s State of the Commonwealth Address this evening.

Said McDonnell, “I’m honored that my colleagues have selected me to deliver this important message. I look forward to discussing the many vital Republican initiatives designed to make Virginia safer, stronger and more competitive.”

McDonnell, the leading Republican candidate for Attorney General, who is Assistant Majority Leader and Chairman of the Courts of Justice Committee, will address Republican initiatives on public safety, taxes, and transportation, among other issues.

The Republican response will air immediately following the Governor’s State of the Commonwealth Address, scheduled to begin at 7:00 p.m. tonight.

Speeches like this are usually hard to find on the broadcast media, but Warner's address is scheduled to be carried by WVPT-TV in Harrisonburg and on Blue Ridge Public Television (WBRA-TV) and WVTF-FM radio in Roanoke. The NBC affiliate in Charlottesville, WVIR-TV (Channel 29) is also carrying the address, followed by an analysis by Virginia political experts. As they say, check your local listings.

There's still one question: Will McDonnell's opponent in the Republican Attorney General's race, Steve Baril, get a chance to respond to the response?

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