Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Pontius Pirate?

While listening to WMAL-AM radio in Washington on Monday morning, I learned that this is National Clean Hands Week, designed to encourage frequent washing of hands by Americans (and not just politicians). I like the highly specific parenthetical text of the sample "proclamation" provided by the Clean Hands Coalition (which, I must emphasize, is not a goo-goo PAC):

Whereas Organizations such as the (Insert the Name of Your Organization Here) and the Clean Hands Coalition, have initiated grassroots education efforts to improve food safety and public health by making hand washing an integral part of the day;

Whereas the role of handwashing in America has been overlooked and undervalued;

Whereas ( Insert Organization or Company Name) needs to take action to remind all its citizens of the importance of practicing this simple and often overlooked, but essential, component of disease prevention;

THEREFORE be it resolved that I, (Insert Organizational Leader, Company President), as President of (Organization or Company Name), hereby proclaim the week of September 17-23, 2006 as “Clean Hands Week” for the (Organization or Company) community. In addition, I urge support of the Clean Hands Coalition in their “Clean Hands Save Lives” campaign and events for “Clean Hands Week” and the promotion of these events and for the continued efforts of all who are involved in programs that enhance the awareness, and necessity of the reduction of illness through hand hygiene/handwashing throughout our community.
Also this week: Tuesday, September 19, is "Talk Like a Pirate Day." Coincidence? Arrrrgh!

One final random thought: Why do I have this intense craving for a fresh spinach salad?


Anonymous said...

Well, you know, washing hands is a question of the tidiness of the person and it's necessary!!!! :) But as for the real celebration, once I was a witness of a great event!!! I visited the Emirates and got acquainted with the Arabic culture!!! It's really great! It's something new for me and I was really very excited!!! My family and I got to a religious holiday in Dubai!!! It was Eid Al Fitr (the end of Ramadan) - the ascension of Prophet, the Prophet's birthday and Islamic New year!!! It was great and all the Dubai hotel we stayed in went to watch this unbelievable event!!! I got a lot of pleasant impressions about the city and the nation in general!!! :)

Dyneslines said...

The event enjoyed the special patronage of a Scottish dignatary, Lady McBeth.