Saturday, February 09, 2008

Ron Paul Supporters on the Radio

This morning in Charlottesville, two Ron Paul supporters took the case for their candidate to the airwaves, explaining their enthusiasm and urging other Central Virginia voters to cast their ballot on primary day for the Congressman from Texas.

The guests on WINA-AM's "The Schilling Show" were the Ron Paul precinct captain in Walker Precinct, David Brown, and his counterpart from Jefferson Park Precinct, Bill Ways. The host of the program, former Charlottesville City Councilor Rob Schilling, posed a few questions to get the conversation going.

I was there from 7:30 to 8:00 a.m. to get the show on video. So for those of you who were not awake at the time, or who might have been tuned to NPR's Weekend Edition Saturday, here is your chance to listen and watch.

Part I:

Part II:

Ron Paul is one of six Republican candidates on the primary ballot in Virginia on Tuesday, February 12. Polls are open from 6:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m.

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